This last Saturday (the 27th) decided to take mom on a drive around Lake Towada and then up to Christ's tomb.
Last post I had a little tease about rest stations here in Japan. At long last I finally remembered to take pictures. Above is the map of the layout of the rest station. Yes, they are serious about their pit stops!
Inside the gift/snack shop. There was also a little restaurant in the back.
Outside on the main plaza was a man selling his wares of a variety of roasted and flavored nuts and dried sea foods. Got mom to try some dried squid. I don't think she liked it. Usually I don't mind it, but this one was a little fishy tasting. Ah well.
Andi found a wonderfully soft border collie to pet. It was the softest dog I have ever touched!

Below: A shot of the main plaza. The tent is the fellow with his wares, and the building with all the goodies behind that.
Off into the mountains we went. A little road construction here and there. This isn't a tunnel through the mountain, rather a snow shed in a slide area.
Though it is a little disconcerting to get to the top of the switch backs, look back from where you came....the snow shed from the previous picture and realize there is a tractor sitting on TOP of the snow shed. I guess that should make me feel better....the thing really can hold a lot of weight!
Various views from the top overlooking Lake Towada.
Dragonflies and butterflies were the wildlife of the day!
We arrived at the village of Yasumiya, one of my favorite places to go. I've featured it several times in the blog, from fireworks, to winter and summer festivals.

Above: Mom and Andi dip their toes in the water.
Below: A lake view walkway.
Above: The bronze maidens. I have several shots of this, but was never able to get the action shot I was hoping for. Various young men traveling in groups would stand below and attempt a live re-enactment....though they kept their clothes on.

Below: The travel option for the spoiled dog in your life.
Up to the temple we went. A nice quiet place as folks were actively saying their prayers/wishes at the temple doors. I love the smell around these places. The incense is always divine. Never smells that good in my own home. Of course my home is made of hundred year old cypress either.
There was another set of stairs beckoning to us. So what were we to do but follow them. All right, I took this shot on our way down, but in reality we were going up. This was the good part. After the stairs came various steps of boulders and no more hand rails. There were ropes to mark the path, and to lend a hand at pulling yourself up.
At the top is this large boulder with holes worn by wind and rain. People put money in. In this well behaved country....people don't take it out. That will be left up to the monks.
Mom peeking in the door of a smaller shrine.

Andi had a great time in this area finding all sorts of places to climb and explore. Never mind that it is on the edge of a cliff....Actually she really does have a lot of common sense, so I didn't worry about her.
She found a ladder (that mom is using below) that lead up to another large boulder. Atop this boulder was a carving.

Let me point out that the ladder in question is made of steel and has hand rails. No worries of rotting wood or such.
Back down to the village.
But make sure you watch out for bears!

Below: a map of the village. The Bronze maidens are down in the lower left corner, and the big temple and climbing adventure on the left, just above the maidens.
So, we leave the Lake behind and head toward the Tomb of Christ.
No, the above isn't the tomb. That's just some pretty flowers in the Buddhist cemetery just across the trail from the cross marking the tomb.
Now, we've been here before. So not to many pictures, but I'll give you a refresher as to what this place is all about.
One of the best things we saw all day was this couple. Traveling on their Harley Davidson motorcycles, with their dogs. No side cars for these pooches. Each had their own crate tied to the rear seat of the bike. The great thing is, these dogs were smiling! Took their potty break and were loaded back up....with grins on their faces, enjoying every moment of their ride!
Now, I'm just a few days behind on activities. There is another one to come for Sunday the 28th...in a day or two. And then whatever adventures we can eek out this weekend......