September 4 we took a drive up over the mountains on our way to find 200 Tori Gates. All right, that's not really the name, it's Takayama Inari Shrine (more about that in a bit).
Anyway, over the mountains. For those who follow the blog, if you recall back to April of 2010, we took a ride over the mountains to Hirosaki Castle for the Cherry Blossom Festival. This is the same mountain road...minus the 10 feet of snow!
As always on winding and twisty roads, there is a bit of car sickness involved, at the top of the pass we hopped out for a break. A view of Mt Odake, the highest peak in the Hakkoda Mountains. (really I think they are volcanoes) There are lots of hiking trails in the area....wish we had time for it all! The fellow below is off to an onsen (hot spring bath) that is along a trail somewhere.

Mt Odake. (above)

Below: We didn't drive to much further before having to stop at the bridge. The Jogakura Bridge, one of the highest in Japan. It's an incredible view!

You may recall some pictures of this back in April of 2010 as well. (I could have been nice and pulled pictures over for you...but then that would take away from the joy of you searching through the archives and wasting an afternoon reading old posts along the way)
Above: And end cap at the bridge. The other side had a goat.

Below: The neatest thing about this bridge is you can walk out on it. Well, I thought it rather neat and fun. Andi clung to Shane the whole way...but she walked it. Mom stayed with me. Perhaps thinking I wouldn't let her get blown over the side. Let me tell you, that wind HOWLS as it comes down the valley. It was incredible!

Above: I'm pretty sure this is a no parking sign for traffic crossing the bridge....but perhaps it's to discourage the jumpers as well.

We made our way out of the mountains to find ourselves at the intersection to get to the Kokeshi Doll museum. (from which we just had a trip earlier this summer) Decided to swing by and take mom to see the sights. Plus the usual break of food, water, facilities, more food, and a playground for Andi.
Inside the gift shop.

Off we went to our goal for the day. Not let me just remind you, we do not travel by the normal beaten path. So we made our way through Hirosaki (bigger city than it looks on the map)
and back out to the country side. (no the ambulance wasn't for anything we caused. Just not something we see on a regular basis here...)

Off in the distance Mt Iwaki. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mount_Iwaki
This is on my someday list as well. There is a road you can drive up of many many switchbacks to get to a parking area, then hike the rest of the way to the top. It is also known as the Fuji of the North. But our time in Japan grows short, so this might be the closest I get....soon snow will start to fall on the volcano.....

The red mark being our current location. We are going to head North now towards the Cheseborough Memorial site.
Below: Some weird tire structure along the road. I think it is built to resemble the Jumon (people from Japan's ancient era) times. (ignore the frog hanging from the mirror, that's just our air freshener...that doesn't real freshen anymore, he's more of a mascot now)

Aha! We did it! About 5 hours after our start time, we found it! (though according to folks who follow directions, it takes about 3 hours...so not to bad on our round about way)

Oh goody! More stairs! (remember, the day before, those monster stairs after going to the aquarium??) Not to bad, only about 90-100, depending on who's counting you go by. I didn't count, I'm to busy breathing to count. Never mind that we are at sea level, 100 steps changes your elevations enough when you have asthma issues that you live in denial about.

Below: You know I have to do it....."artsy fartsy" time (as my sister would say)

Shane counting the gates. Andi had already disappeared around the bend....counting as well, but much faster. At number 100 Shane took a break from walking hunched over...not a place to stand up straight for the tall man.

Foxes, guard dogs....all made of stone. (well, what else would they be made of??? of course they are made of stone....talk about stating the obvious)

http://www.onmarkproductions.com/html/shrine-guide-2.shtml (this site has a lot of information...for the fox, scroll down to "animal guardians".

Below: Mom
Just adjacent to the Inari Shrine is a memorial for the Cheseborough. Never heard of this ship til now.

We planned this getaway to the west coast on purpose. September 4th was the day of the annual air show at Misawa Air Base. Lots of people, lots of noise....did I mention the people. Even though we don't live on base, we still like to get away from it all. (secretly I would love to see the air show...minus all the people) As we got closer to Misawa, it was obvious the air show was over, judging from the amount of cars headed outbound!

September 8: It has finally quit raining long enough for the roads to dry out so Mom and I can take a bike ride through some of the neighborhood streets. It is always nice to go with someone who hasn't traveled the road, as they usually notice the unusual. (I don't think I could ever get ANY bush to grow like that!)

The Hair's Shop...because we all know when you get A hair cut....you're truly only cutting one hair!

Near one of the elementary schools....reminders to look both ways.

Above: The display at the furniture store.

Below: Andi's 10th birthday party....a gaggle of giggling girls has invaded the living room!

Bobbing for apples, and whacking a pinata....what more could you ask for.....

oh yes, the appearance of baby birds out your window!

Andi and one of her best friends....the friend is really into American Girl dolls...Andi is to. She saved her OWN money from allowances and bought her doll all by herself!
My beautiful daughter! A whole decade old!

And now, I am all caught up. Whew! This week is already off to a slow start (it's the 14th of September as I write). Monday and Tuesday were rainy. Today is sunny, but Andi is home with the back to school "gummba" (a technical term from my mom's doctor). She is reviving though, so I'm sure tomorrow will be back to school. And probably it'll start raining again. Oy vey! That's ok, I shan't complain about the rain, unless I'm stuck in it without an umbrella....