Wednesday, July 1, 2009

July 1 2009

Well, no pictures today. There are still plenty of pictures to put out though. Shane's computer has heaved a heavy in the meantime he is using my computer. Which is usally ok, as when he is at work, then I can access my stuff. However, he is writing some programs, and is unable to leave the computer in such a way to let my access my stuff. I'm sure there is a way, but I hate to be the one to delete I just leave it alone. This is why we ended up with two desktop computers....his and hers, just like our power tools. In the meantime, there is still the laptop, which I just have to fight Andi for.
The girl likes to google things....water bugs, lady bugs, kookubaro (bad spelling) birds, to scooby doo and spongebob squarepants. To say nothing of the websites she goes to just to play on.

In the meantime we are keeping busy getting ready for my mom's visit (haha to me, Okasan to you) so lots of cleaning and discovering where things got placed in unpacking, and wondering why on earth I didn't bring other things. It has been a good week for cleaning, as it has been foggy and damp.
Last week was in the upper 70's low 80's. Shane and I thought we would melt, Andi loved every drop of sunshine. So great relieft for the parents when cooler weather came back, big dissappointment for Andi who's big desire is to play in the hose and get cooled off.

Will update some pictures as soon as I can.
oh, and spelling errors, please forgive me. I try to go back and proofread and run spell check, but I don't always find them. With learning the Japanese language, my bad spelling is becoming even worse as I work hard to learn a new language and keep up with the old one.