April 19 2009 Misawa Air Base sponsered "Japan Day" This is a day on base that the local Japanese come and give us some more hands on contact with the local culture.
The above flag is "koinobori" (carp streamer). This flag is flown through the month of May, and specifially on May 5th to celebrate children's day.(also can be known as "boys" day. the girls have a day to themselves as well)
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Koinobori more explanation on the meaning of the flag. They are really beautiful when the wind has them spread out.

I can't remember the name of these little dolls. They are made of paper and are very finely crafted. As soon as I can remember, I'll update the name.

This fellow is a singing poet. There is a style of poetry in Japan, that I believe was borrowed from China. It is written as it is to be sung. If sung just right, then it is almost like feeling a vibration through the body.

Traditional music, though don't ask me the name of the instruments, as I will look at you with a blank stare. So much information on this day, and so many wonderful sounds and smells.

Street perfomers.

There was a room set up with all sorts of masks. All handcarved.

Tools of the trade.

Beshimi- Devils Mask. The Beshimi mas in one where the lips are tucked in and muscles of the corners of the mouth are tightend

"Sinpaku" a kind of Hinoki - a cypress native to Japan. 50 years old!

Camellia 15 years old!
oh, if only I could garden like that! I don't think I have the patience to keep any houseplant alive for a few months, let alone a lifetime of mine. (heck it's all I can go to keep myself in some semblance of presentablit