March 7 2009 Hachinohe- Found "His Masters Voice" We were lost, ok, not lost, out sighseeing for an extended period of time. Not quiet sure I'll ever find this spot again.

Also from March. This is the Pacific Ocean. It was pretty windy and cold, so didn't do much aside from being looky-loos from the warmth of the car

This shot is from April 2009. Some of you may have viewed it in an email already. It is just a shack, looks like it could blow down at the slightest breeze. I'll have to get another shot of this, as now that spring is here the yard looks lovely, and the shack remains. Somebody does live there, probably has all his life. The house next door is a beautiful two story home. Quiet the study of contrasts around here.

Also from April 2009. These two women had been out working in one of the fields and were headed to their next destination. The one in front has a baby in a papoose. The one in back also has one, but with a different style carrier.

April 2009. Farmers starting to prep the fields. They have on a lot of clothes, as it was still a bit chilly, barely above freezing, and more than likely the wind was blowing. Though now that it is spring, I notice they still wear just as many clothes, but they probably don't get sunburned or bug bites.

This was March 27 2009. I was out taking a walk, so probably the wind was blowing, and clouds threatening more snow. Perfect walking weather.

The local Italian Restaurant. Haven't eaten there yet, but have heard that it is rather good.

March 27 2009. On the same walk. Road crews out doing some pothole repair. The flaggers bow after you've been stopped and are allowed to go on.

This is probably from the end of April 2009. The snow is gone, and the field is plowed, spring is trying to begin. Things didn't get really green til mid May. But now it is SO GREEN, that it has been well worth the wait. Now I need to get out an take more photos so that you can see it really isn't as bleak as the picture makes it look.