Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Fond Farewell

Mom and Andi talking on the phone. Mom had gone through security so a glass wall now separates us.

July 17 2009- Well, it was time to take Mom to the airport. We had a great visit. She was the guinea pig of all future visitors we host. Game for trial and error as to what places to go and spend time, and where to avoid (certain bathrooms at the Tonami Clanhouse for instance). She made various lists at to what clothes one should bring. Though keep in mind, that changes by the week. (this week for example has been a long pants week with lots of wind and cold rain)

After saying farewell at security, we headed up to the observation deck. 100 Yen for each adult and 50 Yen for Andi. A great way to maintain crowd control, but still a really cheap price to watch the planes come and go. Above is the sign warning us not to go over the fence on the rooftop.

The plane was late coming in so we caught it's arrival....note the fighter jet in the sky. This is a shared runway. Jet traffic stops so that the commercial flights can land and take off.

Jets in the air.
Below: The pilots were practicing their short runway stops. They don't always do this, so was fun to watch the chutes deploy.

Tears were aplenty up on the roof top. Saying farwell to Grandma is always hard...She did recover though, as afterwards we headed on base to drown our sorrows in Baskin Robins milkshakes all around.
Below: Mom making her way to the plane.

Pushing the plane back.

And off they go!

We look forward to any others who wish to come and visit! The SAM Clan is always game to scout out hotels and other accommodations!