Well, I think it was July 12 2009, that we finally made our way to the beach! Amazing, we've been here for about 7 months, and finally figured out where the beach is. Of course we have found the fishery's and the ocean they are attached to, but finding where one can go to enjoy the water was a whole other matter. But those who know me well know that I have a slight aversion to the creatures that live in salt water. I'm hoping that this region is to cold for jelly fish! Everything else is fine. Andi loves the ocean (as long as it's not a big wave breaking day) and playing in the sand so I'm sure we'll be back here many more times.

Of course one must orient with the local rules!

Shane and Andi heading out to a extensive pier/wave breaker walkway. Not really a pier as no ships pull up to it.

No, the seagulls and other flying rats aren't particularly neat here. There must have been a cookout the night before and these were left behind. A treat to find intact shells!

Andi already picking up her treasures. I'm sure my pockets and Shane's were already stuffed with treasure. Must remember to bring along a bag next time....

Walking, well some of us danced, out on the wave breakers. There are huge "jacks" piled on either side of the pier. It goes quiet a ways out on in the ocean.....I don't think I would swim that far out, but "walking on water" works for me.

A view of the beach swimming area.

"Jacks" piled up to help break the waves and prevent erosion. There is an extensive system all along the coast. Well, at least up in the area. I've seen it a little further south as well, so am assuming that perhaps it runs the whole coast line. In future pictures of our travels I'm sure you'll see more of them.

An idea of just how large and how high the "jacks" are piled. They all seem to be stable, so there must be a logic into how they are placed.

Time to explore!

Looking out on the ocean.

Seafaring man!
July 14 2009 Went out and did a little exploring. There was a Shrine that we've passed many times, so thought we'd be tourists and check it out.

Andi in front of the Shrine sign.

The doors to the shrine were closed and a bag over the handles. So we had to assume that it was closed for the day. Didn't see any sign of the caretaker, so didn't want to be intrusive. But Mom, Andi and I went about exploring the outside grounds.

Shrine gates. The gates indicate the entryway to the shrine.

A little marker at the foot of the stairs. Mom wished she could take it home and put it in her garden....

Well, perhaps this was the caretaker of the Shrine! There was a deck out behind the shrine, that also seems to be an observation area. One could see the ocean and sit and watch the Air Force jets fly overhead (might be why know one was at the temple, jets screaming by overhead just make it real hard to meditate) Anyway, the cat didn't seem frightened of us, must see a lot of visitors, and was not about to give up his napping place.