The crow was not at all intimidated by our coming up the walk way. Actually, crows here are VERY large and there are lots and lots of them. I call them the "flying black rats". The garbage collection points in the city have large nets for you to throw over the top of the bags to keep the crows from digging through. There are a couple that wait for Andi every morning. She doesn't like the crust of her bread, so she throws it out on the lawn...they are getting the routine down pat....
Anyway, back to our tour. We started in a lower parking lot, where there was no one else around. There is a bathroom building in this area, so of course we had to take advantage of it (one must go when the opportunity never know when you'll find another). Andi and I went in first, and mom came in last, letting the door slam behind her. Three or four stalls of trench toilets (which are a feat unto themselves when you have a daughter who doesn't grasp the concept of "copping a squat"....though she is improving it is still an acrobatic act in there with me helping her grasp the technique). But I digress....we finish with our duties and go to leave. But the knob won't turn. Well, the knob turns, but the catch doesn't release. Andi's eyes become wide with horror (she is prone to panic attacks, not the place I wanted to deal with one). I dry my hands on my shirt, and dry the knob with my shirt and try again. My mother at this point starts hysterical peals of laughter. I can only attribute this behavior to what is known in my branch of the family as "Aunt Inga Syndrome".
Let me explain. Aunt Inga, was my grandfather's sister (my mother's father) She told me of a time (I was probably 10, and she....I don't know....old with white hair) when she was waiting on the curb for her daughter to pick her up. A young boy was playing on the curb and fell. Aunt Inga said she couldn't help herself....she knew the boy was ok, but she laughed. She was still laughing when she told me about it. There are a few of us on the Torgersen side that seem to laugh uncontrollably at the sight of others being hurt in minor mishaps. We always know they are ok, but it can't be helped, it just comes....sometimes at inappropriate moments.....liked locked in a bathroom in a foreign country!
So, there is mom in full Aunt Inga, frustrated at the laughter, and trying to keep Andi from going into panic. In the back of my mind I am trying to think of the word for "Help!" But realize, I don't know it....(important note to self, learn how to scream for "HELP!" in many different languages) Also thinking, well I have my cell phone, I can call Shane at work, and have him get somebody to give him a ride up here and get us out (also picturing the laughter at the office that this would induce).
Mom and I go to the windows to evaluate the possibility of boosting her out the window (that would have been a site) but bars were on the outside to keep the wildlife out, and I guess, us in. While we were doing that, Andi kept on trying the door. Somehow with her twists and pulls she managed to get it to open (keep in mind, I tried every which way, and mom witnessed me trying all possible aspects) So Andi got to be the hero for the day, and is rather proud of her accomplishment.
I know, it sounds like this took at least half an hour to it all took place in about 3 minutes eternity though when locked in a foreign bathroom with Aunt Inga syndrome resounding off the bathroom walls.
So, out we a still empty parking one to hear Aunt Inga, or the banging on the bathroom walls....
On with the tour...!
July 9th: Air and Science museum
Mom and Andi in the wind tunnel. There weren't a lot of people there, so were able to try out a lot of the activities. I was hoping Andi would remember to keep hold of the Styrofoam, used to help understand the play of wind on the wings of planes. I had visions of her forgetting and getting smacked in the face. But she held on.
Andi and I tried the flight simulator. I had to go with her, as she was a bit short to see over the dashboard. Not that I did much good. We took off in fairly good form. Our goal was to fly to various colored hot air balloons. The voice commands were all in Japanese, but I'm proud to say I could distinguish my colors and fly towards the appropriate balloon. Well, fly towards is very loosely used. More like stagger across the sky in a haphazard manner that in real life would wreak havoc in the skies. Our landing was even more dramatic. I can say we reached the ground...but the manner in which that occurred wasn't good either. We hit the runway and I immediately jammed the stick need to bother with brakes when one can tumble over and over til you no longer know which was is up! Andi was slightly horrified...."Mom, you killed us!" No, I told her, just got you on the ground in a rather unorthodox matter....isn't it great I can only drive, not fly!
It is a long blog today, but hope you have been entertained, enlightened, and perhaps a little educated to what on earth we are experiencing over here!