Well, I'm sorry, but things are going in late, and possibly out of order. Oh well. Those who know me, know that I am a true procrastinator.
On Sunday July 5, we were in Hachinohe yet again for, you guessed it, the computer store. But this time a quick stop to turn in a receipt for parts that were under warranty. Then off to the Botanical Gardens. (which if you look in the blog, possibly the archive area, you'll find earlier visits) It took us awhile to get there from the computer store. Coming in from a different direction. I do have a map, various maps, actually. As some maps have different streets listed (there are many streets and not much rhyme or reason at times) So, once I determined we were good and lost, and Shane was hungry we stopped at a "Mini Stop" one of the MANY convinance stores, also known as "Konbini". One of the maps is in Japanese, so the clerk was able to point out where we were, and I could point out where I wanted to be. She drew a sketch, on how to get there, made easier by the fact that I know what a Shingou is (stop light), and what Konbini means. So via these means she conveyed our turns and straight aways and off we went. Shane has decided we should write a new travel book....Japan by Konbini. Most people will say "go 3 Lawson, turn right at Sunkus, go 1 Lawson and 3 Circle K (yes they are here too)" but it works....we figure out where we are by Konbini.

View of the overlook. Where we are is a series of fountains, and ponds.

3 Generations.

There was a flower show going on in the viewing hall. Took many, many pictures here, but will spare you. We don't know what the flowers are called. I do know that "hana" is flower, but beyond that species types are beyond me. Out in the walk through gardens, the names are in Japanese, with the Latin name beside it. But, I'll stick to the pretty purple one, next to the pink one...

Various markers are found in two specific areas in the gardens. Not sure if they are memorials/shrines. Or like you find in the States, usually bricks at entrances with names of people who purchased the brick or a message.

I finally got to see parts of the gardens that I hadn't got to before. Of course, I missed the blooms. Apparently the blooms had been two weeks before. Not sure if there is another bloom to come. But still, they are very green gardens, with lush plants and various creepy crawly insects.

Finally, the pony rides were open. Andi has been to the gardens twice before, and the horses weren't out. So, she got her ride today. Just one loop around the ring, not nearly long enough for her, but got her horse fix in.

While Mom and I went on the Ferris wheel (below) Andi and Shane went to check out some other bikes. Only Andi could ride it, while Shane watched. Apparently the steering was different from a regular bike, so she had a little trouble but thoroughly enjoyed the ride.
Not sure that Mom enjoyed the Ferris Wheel. Apparently she's not a big fan. I thought this would be better, as it is a completely enclosed car, and goes VERY SLOWLY. This picture of Mom is after she composed herself. The one not shown (oh, there is a part of me that would love to show it) has one hand gripping one of the safety bars and her lips in a VERY thin line. I'm sure those who know her can visualize.

Andi and Shane on the swing ride. Andi went on to ride it about 4 times in a row. Her favorite ride for the day. She didn't want to attempt the roller coaster on this day. Mom thought it looked rather large for a kiddie ride....but then the Ferris Wheel is scary for her.....

So, now we've been to the park 3 times, and just finally found this old locomotive. Not sure how we missed it before, it is as big as day! Andi was able to climb up in the Engineers compartment and play with the levers and such. She was impressed with the size of a locomotive.

Just another view of the overlook. Looks quiet different then our first visit.

Above: Another giant flying black rat! I think I could make a whole picture book of crows and there poses here in Japan!
Below: Shane and Andi making their way along one of the trails.