The above picture was taken just down the street from us. The folks who own it have been working hard this year to improve their garden spot. Last summer it seemed like just one improvement....this summer was a bevy of activity. If only I could get my grass to be that lush....the weeds are lush, but it's just not the same.
Ok, lets get on with this field trip. It was a beautiful day for an outing. This is a LONG bus trip. About an hour and half. The kids did pretty well...of course I had my headphones in, so didn't hear a lot.
This is the first time I've seen the straw from the rice baled in such a manner. Shane said he thought it looked like people standing out in the field.
At the orchard (see that was a quick trip for you to get to the orchard....I had to endure lots of twisty mountain roads, seated at the back of the bus) we got a lesson on how to "plopely pick an apple". The kids got to pick two a piece, and the grown ups three. If you wanted more there was a charge of 100 Yen. I held out for the apple juice (yummie) at 300 Yen for 1 liter...well worth it! I was a little disappointed that that was all we did. Just pick our few apples, then back up to the bus we went, for another long ride. It would have been nice to learn some history of the area....ah well, next time I'll remember to be more vocal.
Andi had a good time finding just the right apples to pick. She had an even better time devouring it at home!

I'm not sure what there is to sweep in an orchard...
Below: The farmers wife.

Once we finished our apple picking, it was back on the bus for another hour to a playground area to eat lunch. I was starving by then. Can only imagine the kids, who were almost 2 hours past their usual lunch time. I think they did really good though.
Nope, don't know where the village is..but it's on the road that we took to get to the orchard...I do wonder what that road is....not really, half the fun of living here is getting lost.
Below: decorations on the little posts by the crosswalk at the park.

October 23 2010: This Saturday we went for a drive to Hachinohe to Shane's beloved computer store. It was a successful trip. On the way home we had to divert to look for the vehicle inspection place. Once we figured where that was, we decided to keep going on the road to see where it would lead us.
A fantastic drive this turned out to be. Lots of farm land, quaint little villages. Houses with decorative roofs. A Buddhist temple with a large statue....
oh, are you waiting for pictures???? You know, as we were getting ready to leave, I said to myself "self don't forget the camera, you know we'll drive about". Halfway to Hachinohe, Self said "dammit, I forgot the camera!!" followed by a few other minor explicatives....Self has a swearing problem. So, if only you could see the pictures in my mind, you would see it was a wonderful detour that we were on Saturday.
And, Self pledges to bring the camera, though we are sure it must be Shane's fault in some way....And Andi would be a few dollars richer if she would fine her mother for swearing...though I blame that on Self.....