October 16 2010: It's time for the horse archery again! I love this festival, so many colors and decorations on the horses. And the horses aren't to bad....they're my height....not so scary.

There was a group of children in a small riding ring. They were done with their demonstration, but stuck around for a photo op.

This unfortunate rider fell from his horse while taking a shot. I didn't have him in my sights when he fell, but could hear the crowds surprise.

And down the stretch comes our favorite horse. Really, I don't know the scoring system or anything like that....it's just that SAM all really like the way this horse looks!

A few more riders.

After that....round? heat? skirmish? (I just don't know what the groups of runs are called) we went back to the area where all the horses and riders gathered. It didn't seem like as big of a crowd as last year, but still just as colorful. Every now and then you find western cowboys clothing mixed in with the traditional Japanese.

The young riders and their instructor out doing another demo. He'd get them riding in a circle, then throw the ball at them (he's holding it in his right hand) with the hopes they'd catch it. Missing wasn't an issue, as they'd just leeeeaaaaannnnnnn waaaaaayyyyyy over in their saddles and pick it up. Gee, when I lean that far, it's always followed with a thud to the ground.

Above: Well, Andi almost gets her fantasy of riding one of the horses fulfilled.
Below: Next was a presentation of dress/costumes. All riders gathered in an area, then rode out to the field.

These are just a few....would love to post all the pictures...but that would make for a very long blog.

Just on the other side of a knoll, was the sounds of a baseball game going. We stopped to watch for a little while. Will have to take Andi to an actual game someday....baseball is on of her few sports that she enjoys watching.

And then, back to the business at hand. The riders all gathered on the center field while some sort of long announcement was going. It was more fun to watch this guy (below) keep himself amused.

Below- Andi, who usually won't speak to the Japanese, finds herself at no loss for words when it comes to getting her own ice cream. I sent her on her own to get her most favorite treat. Asked her afterwards if she actually spoke to the guy. Nope, just held up one finger, gave money to his outstretched hand, and took whatever change he offered and waited for her treat. No language barrier there!

And it's always good to know where the octopus treats are! (no I didn't get any...just wasn't in the mood.....truthfully, I'm never in the mood for octopus)

One of things I've always been disappointed in is the lack of local crafts at these festivals. On this particular day we decided to humor Andi when she asked "what's in that building?" Shane and I figured probably nothing, as it looked like it was just a civic center. A civic center it was....but in it were the local arts and crafts displays and some things for sale. AHA! now we'll starting looking for civic centers nearby festivals.... Now in the "painting" above...I'd like to point out it's not paint....it's all pressed flowers! Even the mountains and clouds are not paint. I can't remember what they were made of...but not paint! I wish I could have bought one of them...but my poor little budget....

And at a stop light leaving Towada City we noticed Boston Club. Something else to check out someday!