Yes, the sun was shinning, but as you can see below, I did have to keep an eye on that big ol' rain cloud, especially since I had no rain gear with me.

Ok, up we go! And in case you's 110 steps up and well, the same on the down side. (which in case you wonder, it's the same set of steps, just a view from below and above)

A view of part of Misawa. This is the area down by the train station. And below is looking straight across the little valley to the next hillside and another temple. Which I've already been to and taken pictures of.(I think in July of this year if you need a stroll down memory lane)

Above: The temple was a tad smaller than I thought it would be. It seems larger from below (why is that?) There is no cemetery attached to this one (many don't). Considering how close to the hub of the city I was, it was very quiet and peaceful on the grounds.
Well, back to the walk. I think I have taken a picture of this little boat before...not sure. I do wonder what the stories are behind such things as this. Why is there a boat dry docked behind the old grand hotel? Who did it belong to? Why do they hold on to it? Have I mentioned at how frustrating it can be to not know the language (and how frustrating it is that I am so slow in learning it!) and find out the history behind some of this stuff. Though it can be good for the imagination, as I conjure up a tale to go with the boat. (which I'll not put down at this time...I'll let you do some conjuring)
Below: Well, you knew it was coming.....some "artsy fartsy" picture must come into play.
Halloween 2010:
A night for the weather to play a trick on us! Rain, rain and some more rain. But that didn't stop this celestial sorceress from having a good time. We started the afternoon off with a trip to the haunted house on base. The "PG" showing for the younger crowd. Andi's first haunted house, and what I suspect will be her last for years to come. She scares easily, and is petrified of doctors.....combine Halloween and scary doctors at the haunted house, and well, we should've recorded Andi for authentic scared screams for some Hollywood production. The girl can scream!!! And she was thoroughly frightened. I will say though....that as soon as the characters realized she was truly frightened, they would shut off whatever power tool they had, or their scare tactic, and spoke in a friendly voice....she was still scared. The "guides" ran us through pretty fast....not fast enough for Andi. I thought it was a great haunted house, though I think my ears are still ringing from Andi's screams....I did feel bad for her, and held tight to her. She had Shane start going first to try to lure the monsters into scaring him instead of her.
Poor girl. She did manage to fall asleep in her own bed though. But like I'll probably be another decade before she goes again....and even then I'm not so sure. She just likes the idea of being scary things......
And so another week ends, and another one begins. We'll see what tricks this week has up its sleeves!