Now and then we have seen signs pointing the way to the Tomb of Christ. This was the day that we finally got to follow the signs and find out the story behind it.
We had to wind our way up through the mountains. Through the now well know Orisae Gorge and up into the national forest. Narrow roads, but it seems like there were more guard rails this time. The last time we went this mountain pass was the first year here, July 2009. Of course, maybe it was because I was driving this time so had the control I so desperately crave out there on the road!
We stopped frequently on the pass. You'd think we'd never been in the mountains or seen a view! I think the challenge for me is trying to get a picture that conveys the depth, width and density of all I see. A hard job, indeed.
Above and below- towards the top of the pass we found a vantage point (very overgrown) from which we could look back on Lake Towada. It's there. It was a bit of a gray day, so lake and sky kind of blend together.

Andi wasn't to sure about being on Shane's shoulders on a cliff side. But she was to short to see through the foliage to get a view of the lake....shoulder height offers a much better view point.

Coming back down the other side of the pass we come to a roadside station. Roadside stations are kind of like rest stops, but oh so much more. They are a scenic attraction unto themselves. Not sure what the marker says that Andi is leaning against here at "Green Farm", but it had a great view point of the Yukiyagawa Dam.

The Green Farm had a lot to offer. There are camping sites, a roller skating park, tennis, outdoor theater, more camping, fishing ponds. Camp store (with a restaurant! my kind of camping!)
We walked around a bit here, wishing that we had more time for this day excursion. Ah well. We make notes of things we will come back to. Future visitors of ours, beware, this is now on the top of the list!
Andi hopping the rocks in the stream. Told her it was to cold to get she worked real hard to stay dry (which in case you wonder, she did)

Ok, well we must continue onward. Currently, Green Park, we are at that little red tag (above the yellow building on route 454....remember clicking on the pic will make it larger) and headed Northeast towards the numbers 1 and 2.
Here the legend starts. The Tomb of Christ. I'll not put the legend, as it is here in pictures. The cross below is that of Christ.

And below, the burial of his brother Isukiri (or parts of pictures of the signs I took)

I can very well see the possibility that in his younger years, the years not accounted for in the bible, that Christ may have indeed traveled to Japan. This is one legend that is going to be entirely up to yourself to research, delve into, and look at the possibilities....and come to your own conclusions.
Above: One of the windows in the museum area. I think I would like that to go in my house someday....something with amazing views, of course.
Below: There are two paths leading to the grave sites. One is a steep ramp. The other is this....steep stairs. Am glad we walked up the ramp and down the stairs!

A little creek in the meditation area. Shane and Andi found a frog to say hello to.
We left the Tomb of Christ, and doubled back from where we came, as we wanted to go see the pyramid. Which would be #3 on that map. We found the turn off from the main road....but then never found the next turn off. The pyramid: supposedly older than the great pyramids in Egypt. There are several in Japan. This particular pyramid is where Christ was originally laid to rest "His body was exposed to the wind and rain on Mt. Herai....his bones were buried four years later". And a side note. The village of Herai, is a Japanese pronunciation of Hebrew.
Nope, the above isn't a pyramid. We missed the final turn. But that's ok. It gives us something to go back we had a great "accidental tourist" drive. Once again, "oh, I wish I could just live here....right in this spot"
But, like all great journeys, we must make our way home. On the way, passed a Temple that we hadn't seen before. Great big guardian dogs on watch. Just had to get a picture!

And yet another place to put down roots! A good day, a good drive. Lots to go back and see and explore. And the thing with our driving....we try not to repeat the road we've traveled to many times. So this means, we must get back without using the many roads, so little time!